Friday, May 04, 2012


~Assalamualaikum wbt~

~Lama dah tak update blog. Bila buka-buka je, blog dah lain. So, take time sikit nak adjust. Lagipun, tengah final sikit. Since ada satu lagi exam hari isnin je (kacau betul lar statistics nie. tak dapat balik rumah), aku rasa tak semangat nak study awal-awal. (bajet dah study banyak je). 

Penat lar. Awal-awal english. Then, study circle yang aku tak study langsung. Lepas tu, arab. Bayangkan berapa banyak terms nak kena hafal. Seterusnya, duk mengingat Understanding Islam. Ada lagi arabic terms. Tadi, Computer pula. Computer paling menyeksakan dengan banyak benda nak kena hafal. So, tak salah kan nak cool down otak jap? ;)

Sebenarnya apa yang aku nak duk cite ni? Cecite.. Cecite. Well, aritu masa hari pekerja. Aku duk belek twitter (fb tak dapek buka sebab kasi password kat kawan.). Then, tetiba ternampak ada orang tweet, Dena Bahrin dah kahwin. Ingat lagi Dena Bahrin? Alar.. Yang kat youtube NI !

I was like, woo.. She's already married? That's so sweet! Hehe..Yeah, you must be thinking that I'm such a bimbo for talking about this marriedge and stuffs. Well, I don't care. The thing is I'm happy for Kak Dena though I've never met her or know her. She inspired a lot of people.

However, ramai je cam tak setuju Kak Dena pergi upload video pasal proposal tu. Yeah.. A lot of bad assumes could be heard and read(fb). And after I've found out that she's married, I was like, "TAKE THAT PEOPLE! Kak Dena dah kahwin! So, mana pergi spekulasi anda semua??"

According to her story, she said she's still felt anxious and worried. What if she made the wrong choice?? Tapi lepas Kak Dena sah menjadi isteri kepada Encik Soffian Ariff (her husband lar), perasaan CINTA tu timbul. Jeng! Jeng! Jeng! Well, since I'm afraid that I might get too excited and could cause me to made up new story, you could just read her entry in her BLOG!

I'm with her. Her opinion of course about love after marridge. My mom even said so, like eveytime. Even my teacher. I was surprised. My teacher never told me anything about this. Maybe because I was in love before so she was afraid if I'm hurt. I guess.. But then, after hearing all of her and my mom's stories, I was so sure that love after marridge is the one I need.

Other than Kak Dena, there are too students from UIA PJ campus that already married. I'm sure there's one  who are the same age as I am. So, that means they got married at the age of 18. Wow... And then, my senior is planning to do so on next year, I think. Well, there's a lot of stories going on here. As for me, I'm happy for them.

I didn't say that everyone has to experience love after marridge. Everyone has their own story right?? To have a story like Kak Dena, only certain people can have it. My parents' story was 'sweet' too. ( Okey.. Kenapa aku duk speaking nie?)

Aku tau aku tak layak cakap pasal kahwin ni. Nak kata ada calon? Pilihan mak ayah? Rasa cam takde je. Pilihan diri sendiri?? Tu rahsia. XD  And I know, I'm too young to talk about this. Even some of my cousins were like, "Awalnya dorang kahwin? Camne lar studies dorang ni?" Yeah.. Aku tahu, ramai akan duk sebut camtu.

To me, sape yang dah berkapel tu, don't touch each other. Mana kemanisan lepas kahwin wei? (baca Kak Dena's entry) Yang dah bertudung tu, jangan duk buka depan pakwe. ( Laki suka surprise2 nie. So, simpan dulu k ). Nak dating?? Pi ajak mak ayah sekali. Aku nak jumpa kawan laki pun kena bawa kawan dengan adik sekali tau. Dah jumpa depan-depan pun, kena jaga ikhtilat wei. Alar.. Benda ni kejap je pun. Dah kahwin nanti, nak buat pe pun, buat lar. Barulah ada manisnya lepas kahwin kan?

Siapa yang single, don't ever think that you're forever alone. Or something that's not worth it. Allah has made you special. Always remember that. ^^ Bukan korang tak laku. Tapi sebenarnya, Allah nak tolong simpankan korang untuk orang yang terbaik. Alar.. Macam gula-gula. Ada satu manis. Ada yang kurang manis. Macam aku, aku makan yang kurang manis dulu, simpan yang manis. See! Yang baik, kita simpan dulu. :)

Maybe ada yang tertanya-tanya. "Tiqah ni gatal sangat ke nak kahwin? Status pun kadang2 pasal kahwin." Well, I'll be honest here. A girl who's weak like myself, do want to get married. Come on! Even a little girl wants to be a princess and get married to a prince. But of course, my parents wouldn't let me and I know why. My parents had been taking care of me since 2December 1993 at 5.54am. So, they know so much about me. And they'll know whether I'm matured enough to be. Dulu, aku emo gak bila parents aku marah-marah bila aku buka cerita ni. Tapi bila fikir-fikir balik, aku dah faham.

Tanggungjawab selepas kahwin ni besar. Siapa kata kecil? Tapi kalau duk baring atas katil, tak buat pape, dan terus tertanya-tanya, "Aku dah ready ke?" tak menjadi gak wei. Tu sebab kita kena start dari kecil untuk persiapkan diri kita dalam apa jua keadaan pun. Kan? Kan? Kan? Yes. I know I'm not ready. But that doesn't means I can't talk about marridge right?

But education is an important thing. Some people might say, marridge can affects our studies. Not necessary, my friends. Sebenarnya, manusia ni banyak ragam. Ada yang boleh imbangkan dua-dua. Ada yang tak boleh. So, janganlah kita pandang satu side je tanpa selak satu lagi kisah. That's so unfair. Paling senang, kerja lar. Ada je yang kahwin sambil bekerja kan? Dan kerja tu 2x lagi berat berbanding pelajaran. Pasal affects pelajaran thingy, there are a lot of consequences. Tak boleh salahkan kahwin je kan? 

I didn't say that marridge is important. Many of my aunts didn't get married but they still could survive. It depends on people. I don't know if I'm strong enough. But what I'm afraid the most is losing my family. Reading these words from Kak Dena's entry, "Abah serahkan awak dekat Soffian" really touches me. And people, do believe this. After a father says that, he'll go somewhere and cries alone. And I hate to see my parents cry.

That's why I'm still me. A girl who is single. Who doesn't need any boyfriend, or abang angkat. Husband? Urm.. Not yet. I still have my hero, my father by my side. The comfort from my mother. Yes. I do talk about marridge. I do see the sweetness. For all of you who already have someone, appreciate them. To the couples, get married as soon as possible. This is just to avoid from all of from the whisper of Satan and you might fall to zina. Na'uzubillah. As for me, I still have my family and I want to be by their side as long as I want.

Marridge is sweet people. But always remember. Don't let marridge made you forget about the love from your family. Tak payah nak sampai lari dari rumah bagai. Last-last, datang balik. Biar kahwin tu atas restu mak ayah macam cerita Kak Dena ni. Kalau mak ayah tak kasi, ada sebab lar tu. Kalau mak ayah tak kasi kapel pun, janganlah buat senyap2. Allah tu kan Maha Penyayang. Kalau korang bersabar, pasti Allah akan hadiahkan dengan hadiah yang terbaik.

Dan! Dan! Dan! Kalau nak yang terbaik, jadilah yang terbaik. Tengok cerita 7 petala cinta?
girl : Saya tau saya bukan sebaik Fatimah.
boy : Tapi saya bukan Saidina Ali.
Dialog di atas, banyak maksudnya. Nak yang solehah, jadilah soleh. Sesungguhnya Allah itu Maha Adil. Syukran jazillan. Astaudi'ukumullah. Wassalam~

Gambar di atas ialah seorang gadis yang duk hafal tasmi' untuk Understanding Islam. Siapa yang duk curi2 amik gambar aku nie? Ceh!

p/s : Tak tau apa motif aku tulis benda ni. Sekian, bitauffiq wannajah.

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