Saturday, November 10, 2012

What Makes Them Cute?

~Assalamualaikum wbt~

Anak lecturerku. Okey.. Dah lupa nama dia apa..  Hehe..

~I've a serious disease. A very serious one that I think it couldn't be cured. It is called, "I can't help myself when I see a child in front of me' disease. OMA! They're so cute that each time when I saw one, I imagine myself pinching their chubby cheeks.

Yes. Bila aku nampak budak-budak je, aku rasa geram. Rasa nak cubit pipi tu. Believe it or not, pipi adik aku yang paling kecik pun aku selalu cubit. Anak2 saudara aku tak payah cakap lar. Alahai. Kawan aku yang ada pipi chubby pun aku cubit. Hehe..

Anak sepupuku yang paling aku geram nak cubit pipi dia.

But what really makes them cute? What makes people go crazy on them (like myself)?

Anak jiran. Okey.. Sangat chubby!

Percaya atau tak, children tend to smile more than adults. Okey.. Aku baru dapat fakta ni semalam. Pipi kanak2 ni lebih chubby sebab dorang selalu senyum. So, I guess the smile affects the cheek bones and finally, walllaaaa! The appearance of chubby cheeks!

Okay.. That's not the case. Senyuman itu satu sedekah. Kanak-kanak mudah tersenyum dengan sesiapa pun. Ye.. Ada antara dorang yang jarang senyum tapi takde kanak2 yang takkan senyum. Because they love to smile so much, it makes people love them more. Tu sebab Rasulullah saw suruh kita senyum. Bila senyum, orang pun suka kita. :)

Anak sape tah aku duk usha2 kat bowling centre.

Sometimes, when I meet children, I'll smile at them, (usha2 sikit) then ask their name. (lepas tu, baru cubit pipi). Gambar anak2 comel di atas (yang kiri tu nama Hajar, yang kecik comel tu nama Wawa) ni aku tak kenal pun. But they're quite friendly and melayan je aku yang duk suka usha2 dorang.

Anak Arab duk usha2 aku makan kepsi.

Same goes to this child. Tengah aku duk sibuk makan kepsi (kfc), dia tetiba ada kat sebelah aku, duk usha2 aku makan. Aku hulur ayam tu sikit tapi dia geleng kepala. Then, dia duk usha2 lagi. Okay.. Kitaorang tak communicate sebab dia faham bahasa arab. Aku memang ada belajar basic arab but tak semestinya arab yang aku belajar, digunakan oleh kanak2 arab ni. Beza woo. But, without communication, kitaorang boleh lak main usik2.

2nd point! Being friendly! Orang zaman sekarang kebanyakan dah sombong sekarang, sampaikan balas senyuman pun tak nak. But children not like that at all. Even when people ignored them, they'll still smile with their cute faces. Aku tak suruh korang bermesra-mesra dengan stranger. Bahaya ler wei. But, giving salam is enough. Smile. Tegur menegur when you sit beside them. Rather than just sit there like a doll. (owh.. that goes to you to, Tqah since you don't know how to start a conversation except with children)

Aku pun tak kenal. Dah deme datang kat umah kawan aku. Aku duk usha je.

3rd point! This is my most favourite reason. Children don't think too much of problems. Bila bergaduh, kejap je. Tak nak ler bercakap mula2, lepas 5minit, dah jadi baik balik. Kan bagus kalau kita yang dah besar ni cam dorang. Bergaduh pun kejap. Kita ni bergaduh cam tak ingat dunia. Jadilah cam aku dengan sorang member ni. Gaduh pasal RM1 je pun. Lepas 5minit, dah lupa pasal tu and boleh bergurau balik.

Let me slap this child! XD

Kanak-kanak zaman sekarang terlalu mengejar nak jadi dewasa padahal dorang tak tau jadi dewasa ni memeningkan kepala. (Aku ler salah satunye dulu. Tapi aku dengan Allah je tau kenapa) Dear adults, not only you should be their role model. Kita pun patut amik nilai murni dari sifat kanak2 yang comel lagi riang ini.

No.. They're not kids who don't know anything about world. They're much more confident than us. They're much more creative than us. When they believe in something, they eventually will do it. Tak cam kita yang duk keluarkan fakta, "What if.....". 

I don't know why I'm typing this. But, I'll guess I'll be updating a new entry about children again but in so different issue. Insya-Allah, if I've the mood to do so or if I have time (see! so many excuses!). Owh well, thank you for reading. Astaudi'ukumullah. Wassalam~

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