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Thursday, January 08, 2015
Blog Baru
Assalamualaikum. Post ni khas untuk followers. Aku ada buat blog baru since blog ni dah lama ditutup. Siapa yang masih sudi follow, boleh pergi ke link ni.
Terima kasih sebab sudi follow sebelum ni. :)
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Jawapan Untuk Adik2 Yang Nak Masuk AED
~Assalamualaikum warrahmatullah hiwabarokatuh~
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Some parts of model for my 2nd assignment in 'Environmental Design' |
Soalan2 yang saya dapat bulan ni, Insya-Allah.
Assalamualaikum kak.. nak tahu la aed students belajar apa ye untuk first sem?
Waalaikumussalam. Depends pada berapa tahun amik and level english and arab. Tapi depends kat lecturer gak. Kalau saya dulu, dapat 2tahun program. Jadi first sem, cuma amik ekonomi, english dengan matematik je.
Kalau setahun program, lebih banyak. Tapi rasanya, lambat saya reply ni since korang pun dah nak start kuliyyah kan? Mesti dah dapat study plan.
Setahun program dah mula ada satu kelas studio. Dan kelas korang lagi padat dari 2-year-programme. So student 2years, first sem ni the only sem korang akan sangat relax.
Assalamualaikum kak, saya nak apply AED uia, sbb minat melukis and dari dulu mmng minat uia. Saya dpt 5A, geo, ag, sj, sn, mt. 3B+, bm, seni, ea. And 1D english.. Layak tak saya ke sana?
Waalaikumussalam. Hmm.. Wallahu'alam. Saya tak berapa sure sebab UIA sangat pentingkan english. Tapi boleh cuba. UIA ni unexpected sikit. Tapi kalau mohon e.g uitm ke or poli, Insya-Allah, boleh dapat sebab kebanyakan subject requirement, adik skor.
Assalam akak, saya dpt program aed 1 thn. Akak rsa program 1 yr stress sgt2 tak?
Waalaikumussalam. Muahahaha! Ok. Suka sangat soalan ni. Akak bukanlah budak 1-year-programme tapi roommate akak dulu ada lar sorang dapat. Memang jadual korang akan padat. So, awal2 korang akan ada masalah sikit nak bahagikan masa. And since korang dah ada 1kelas studio - Graphic Communication 1- so korang akan stress banyak kat situ. Nak tengok reaction yang jelas boleh tengok video Matluthfi ni. Haha.
Mari Merungut Malaysia
Friday, May 16, 2014
Jawapan2 untuk adik2 yang nak masuk UIA
~Assalamualaikum wbt~
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Dari Mr Google |
~Buka balik blog, ada lak soalan2 yang korang tanya tapi tak sempat nak jawab. Maaf. Sibuk dengan final presentation, jadi memang tak sempat nak tengok blog pun. Ok. Ni tiga soalan yang ditanya kat dalam post sebelum2 ni.
Assalamualaikum, kak.
Dekat uia memang kena pakai tudung labuh eh? paling kurang tudung bidang berapa eh? kalau pergi class pakai shawl boleh ke tak?
terima kasih.
Dekat uia memang kena pakai tudung labuh eh? paling kurang tudung bidang berapa eh? kalau pergi class pakai shawl boleh ke tak?
terima kasih.
Waalaikumussalam. Again, just sebab nama UIA, tak semestinya kena pakai tudung labuh, berjubah serba hitam dan berniqab. No..no..no.. InsyaAllah, boleh pakai apa2 je asalkan menutup aurat. ^^ Bukan arahan dari UIA ek, tapi arahan dari Allah swt. Ingat tu, adik2. Tapi kalau kat CFSIIUM, pergi kelas, korang kena pakai baju kurung/jubah tau. Jeans are not allowed especially for boys. Boys, kalau nak pergi kelas, kena berkolar ek. Tak boleh pakai selipar. Kena pakai formal. Kasut hitam atau warna yang nak dekat2 dengan hitam. Hari rabu, sister kena pakai tudung putih. Tapi kalau takat nak pergi kafe atau mahallah lain, boleh je pakai kasual. Yang penting, tutup aurat. Shawl of course boleh, asal cukup tutup bahagian dada and tak jarang. Brothers, kalau nak bersukan, sila pakai seluar yang tutup lutut ek.
salam akak, saya dapat AED dan akan masuk bulan 6 nanti insyaAllah. saya nak tanya saya berlatar belakang kan sekolah agama dan takde belajar pasal asas lukisan. imaginasi saya pun taraf biasa2 saja adakah itu akan jadi satu masalah ? trutama bab melukis. huhu
Wassalam. Moh kita sep! Akak dari sekolah luar bandar. Tak pernah seumur hidup masuk sekolah agama kecuali sekolah petang. Imaginasi pun kureng sebab akak lagi banyak tiru and improve dari ada idea sendiri. So relax. Kawan akak ada sorang nak masuk medic lagi tapi tersesat ke AED. Alhamdulillah, ok je. Lagi terer dari akak kot. Mungkin awal2 kita rasa kita tak hebat pun tapi rupa2nya, kat situ yang kita bagus. Tak terer, masa ni lar lecturer2 akan bantu tuk men'terer'kan kita. It's all about hardwork and practice. One more thing, AED ni bukan pasal lukis je tau. It's all about creating new ideas and solving problems. Contoh lar kan, tuk budak arkitek, macam mana nak buat rumah tu sejuk tapi tak guna kipas dengan aircond? Haa.. Tu keje kita.
salam kak,
alhmdulillah result upu baru keluar dan saya ditawarkan nursing di uia.
tp course tu sbnrnya pilihan saya yg terakhir.. so saya agak sedih sbb saya berminat islamic study
pd masa yg sama gembira jugak sbb dpt uia hehe :D
berkenaan boleh tukar course tu mcmana ya kak? mohon pencerahan hehe
alhmdulillah result upu baru keluar dan saya ditawarkan nursing di uia.
tp course tu sbnrnya pilihan saya yg terakhir.. so saya agak sedih sbb saya berminat islamic study
pd masa yg sama gembira jugak sbb dpt uia hehe :D
berkenaan boleh tukar course tu mcmana ya kak? mohon pencerahan hehe
Wassalam. Alhamdulillah, tahniah. Kalau zaman akak dulu, boleh tukar masa sem 1. Tapi bila batch 94 masuk, dah tak boleh. Boleh tukar masa sem ke-2. Adik akan ambil dalam masa satu sem dulu. Masa tu, adik reconsider lar antara course ni sesuai dengan adik ke tak. Kalau tak sesuai, gi office and ada procedure untuk tukar. Akak tak sure sangat pasal tukar course ni. Sebab kebanyakan batch akak memang tukar awal sem lagi. Tak silap ada test. Wallahu'alam. Boleh tanya kat senior2 masa Taaruf Week nanti. Maaf kalau tak membantu sangat.
InsyaAllah, soalan brothers sisters saya cuba jawab secepat mungkin. Tapi susah lak kalau letak as anonymous kan? So, boleh pm kat facebook tapi fb saya private. Email kat paan_wateva@yahoo.com or boleh tanya kat twitter, AtiqahSafian. Please and thank you. Wassalam.
Saturday, March 22, 2014
UIA & Arkitek
~Assalamualaikum warramatullah wbt~
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Fisheye Placebo by Yuumei |
~My blog just got messy with the loss of pictures which I know what happened but I hate to give long explanation and I'm too lazy to rearrange everything. Busy and lazy life I've been during this semester so my blog was nothing but full of dust and rusty information. Sorry about that.
Yesterday, most of my 96's juniors have already taken their results, right? Whatever results you've received, say Alhamdulillah. If you have given out everything, then that's ok. Allah knows better for your future. For those who did not really push their limit, then may Allah opens your heart to change, InsyaAllah. (ayat cam perli tapi sebenarnya tak)
For you information, I'm currently studying for my degree in Kuliyyah of Architecture, Bachelor of Science in Architecture in International Islamic University Malaysia or also well-known as UIA. I've already studied for two semesters so that means I'm still a first year student (still a rookie).
To those who have taken SPM and wanted to continue their study in IIUM, you'll be continuing your foundation in Centre for Foundation Studies in IIUM in Petaling Jaya. I heard there will be a new branch in Gambang, Pahang so I'm not so sure where you guys will be studying at in the future. I couldn't explain much about other courses, I'm sorry.
During the Taaruf Week (other universities called it, Orientation Week), you'll be taking 4 tests. Don't worry. If you failed, you wouldn't be kicked out from IIUM. No worries on that. They just want to see what level are you so that it would be easier to teach you in class. Imagine yourself taking a higher level for Arabic class but you know nothing about it. Of course, it will be difficult for you to catch up right? It also determine the duration you're taking for your foundation. People are too concern about this. Guess what? Tak guna ambil satu tahun program pun kalau kau duduk repeat english banyak kali sampai akhirnya, kau terpaksa duduk situ sampai dua tahun.
Back to the four tests. There will be English, Arabic, Tilawah and Fardhu Ain tests. For English, there will be two sections, objectives and essays. Arabic..... I can't remember because I didn't answer any of them. Seriously. I just wrote my name and matric number and left the class. So here I am, in Gombak. Tilawah, for me, I just have to read some verses in the Qur'an. The ustaz/ustazah will not ask any question. Fardhu ain, only objective questions and Insya-Allah, it's very easy.
After a week, the results will come out and that will determine your duration in CFSIIUM. I got 2-year-programme but I'm very happy. Husnudzon in anything you get.
I'm sorry that I couldn't explain much about other courses since I took Architecture and Environmental Design (AED). This is the only course I could explain in detail. In CFSIIUM, you'll be studying a very basic knowledge about architecture.
97% of students who choose this course in the first place want to take architecture but actually, there will be 5courses in the kuliyyah itself in Gombak. In Gombak, we called it KAED and there will be 5courses which is Architecture, Applied Art Design (which will separate 3 more, Interior Designer, Industrial Designer and Conservation), Landscape Designer, Quantity Surveying & Urban and Regional Planning. Usually, Gombak will only choose 80students to take architecture. But sometimes more.
University subjects is the subjects that all of the students in CFSIIUM will be taking. Kira wajib lar kena ambil. There are English, Arabic, Study Circle/Tilawah/Fardhu Ain, Undestanding Islam/Religious in Malaysia, Basic Theme Al Quran and Computer.
Subjects that we'll be studying for taking this course are Graphic Communication I and II, Environmental Design (GCI, GCII, ED), Mathematic, Statistic, Economic, Built Environment. These are the core subjects. GCI, GCII and ED are the studio subjects.....so no exam!!! Yeay! But there will be portfolio and presentations and lots and lots of cuttings and drawings. If you think life in CFSIIUM is very hard, think again. Degree life is harder. O.o
GCI and GCII are more on drawing, sketching and colouring. As for ED, there'll be a lot of modelling and presentation boards. If you think that you're not good in sketching or have high imagination, it's ok. I'm not talented too (and still am). The only thing we need in this course is 'RAJIN'. Tak rajin, tak jalan lar kerja, dik oi.
Some people said, we are the ZOMBIES. Guess what? They are right.......bukan budak arkitek lar kalau tak buat kerja last minute. There are certain people, are just lazy. And there are certain people are just slow even they have started early. As for me, I am both. I am lazy and slow. But if you really are a hardworking person, InsyaAllah, you'll have enough sleep.
Architecture isn't about just studying, drawing and imagination. It's not about how talented you are. If you think you don't have mental strength, then please rethink to choose this course. There are times you feel down because your drawings got rejected but your friends' got accepted. There are times, lecturers become so mean that you gonna cry all night. There are times, you tried your best, but you still blank and have no idea. There are times, you're fighting with yourself and you're starting to lose. Because this is what you're going to face in the real world when clients and your own boss will be meaner than your lecturer.
I have so many friends that are so talented and of course, more than myself. However, they took other course in KAED. Not saying that other courses are not good. No. To me, they are more qualified to take architecture than I am. I'm not saying I could withstand the challenge. I cried like a normal person.
Moreover, gonna have to warn you this. To take this course, requires a lot of money. Equipments are not cheap and you have to use it everytime. So please, when you get your elauns (for foundation, you'll be receiving elauns), please use it wisely.
This is just for your own information. For foundation, you'll be taking foundation for one or two years. No one in a half years. For degree, if you're taking Bachelor of Science of Architecture (PART 1), it will took you 3years. If you want to continue to PART 2, Bachelor of Architecture, you have to add 2 more years. That took you 5 years to graduate as an officially degree student. However, for Applied Art Design, Landscape, Quantity Surveying, Urban Planning, it will took you 4years.
If you're taking foundation but do not want to continue your degree, your certificate isn't valid to work as an architect. Different from diploma, after 3years, you can work. I'm not so sure if I have the correct understanding. Correct me if I'm wrong. Taking part 1 for degree is actually the same as diploma. However, if you've already taken diploma, you have to take part 1 (which the same level as diploma), not skipping directly to part 2. So if you took diploma and want to continue your degree until part 2, the total is 8 years. Rather than taking foundation first until part 2, the total is only 6 or 7years.
If you heard rumors like, "Kena pakai tudung labuh and jubah ke kalau nak masuk uia?" that is so totally wrong. You just have to cover your aurah. In CFSIIUM, to class you have to wear baju kurung/jubah, tudung and black shoes. In IIUM Gombak, you'll be more free but still, you have to cover your aurah. Why is that so? It's not the IIUM's law. It came from the Qur'an. Just saying. So, if you see me wearing Jubah with long scarf and sneakers, that's because I want to. Sometimes I wore tshirt ala korea (dia macam tshirt muslimah tapi cantik lagi), jeans and sneakers. Of course, with my scarf to class.
However, the best part about AED is the ukhuwah. Since you spent too much in your studio with your studiomates and lecturers, you're going to be close with them. Of course you have to imagine your own design, but this course is about helping and commenting each other. That's how you improve in designing. (Aku cakap memang pandai tapi tak buat pun). Owh. Jangan pelik kalau ada pasangan AED dengan AED.
I'm not really so sure what more to say actually. I do notice that some people ask about IIUM and AED in the comment from my previous entry. I did answer them but I'm not so sure if the questioners read them. So, please, if you have any question, you can just email me at paan_wateva@yahoo.com . Bajet retis habis. Good luck juniors! Wassalam~
Saturday, December 21, 2013
I'm The Fuel
~Assalamualaikum warramatullah hiwabarokatuh~
~Bila sebut architecture, ramai boleh bayangkan saiz kertas paling minimum pun a3, beg besar gedabak, buat kerja kat studio, tak tido malam, kopi jadi peneman, etc. Akulah salah satu mangsa dalam bidang ni.
Aku tak ingat bila tapi dalam semester ni gak, aku terfikir sesuatu. Tapi aku pendam semua tu dalam hati, tak tau dengan sape aku nak share......sampailah satu hari sebelum kuiz Land Surveying.
Me : Wei..
Anon : Hmm?
Me : Kau pernah terfikir tak, pe kau dah buat selain dari solat? Untuk ingat Tuhan. Kau pernah terfikir?
Anon : Pernah..
Aku rasakan semester ni, aku sangat kosong. Terlalu sibuk dengan duniawi sampai Dia pun kau tak sempat nak luangkan masa. At least dulu, baca lar gak artikel2, pergi talk, kawan2 yang suka buat usrah sendiri lepas solat.
Sekarang ni, you and your projects and only took a few minutes to perform solat.
Adakah solat sahaja jadi medium perantaraan diri kita dengan Tuhan? Kalaulah Allah tak turunkan perintah supaya hamba-hamba-Nya solat, apa yang aku akan buat sekarang untuk ingat Dia?
Aku teringat masa facebook still aktif. Status mesti penuh dengan perkataan BOSAN. Dan aku akan reply, "Pergilah kat Dia." Kebanyakan akan jawab dah and jawapan yang lebih kurang sama. Tapi aku masa tu, tak puas hati dengan jawapan dorang. Dan bila aku pikir balik, adakah yang dimaksudkan 'dah' tu hanya setakat solat 5waktu?
Pernah kawan aku cakap sebelum aku masuk Gombak. Lebih kurang gini ayat dia.
"Tempat kitaorang kalau subjek agama, yang basic2 je. Sejarah pun sejarah pasal Nabi. Macam korang, belajar lagi mendalam. Tu sebab kadang2 kitaorang buat usrah sendiri."
Dan selalu aku tengok tweet dia, mesti berunsurkan keagamaan. Memang. Jangan nilai seseorang hanya dengan tweet dia. Tapi...Bukankah itu lagi baik dari aku yang lalai dengan duniawi ni?
Aku lak dari UIA. Dia dari universiti yang kurang tekankan subjek ni. Apa nak jadi ni, Tqah?
Makes me scared sometimes. 'THE END' is near. And I'm not preparing myself. Apa kau pikir hanya dengan solat 5waktu, baca Al-Quran yang kadang2 tu mampu selamatkan kau?
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From The Muslim Show |
Serius. Komik kat atas buat aku sedih. Sangat sedih. Oh yes. I'm that useless fellow but I don't want to be the fuel. :'(
"Ketahuilah dengan menyebut nama Allah itu dapat menenangkan hati." (Surah Ar-Ra'adu : 28)
A : Risaunya! Esok kuiz! Tak belajar pape lagi!
B : Kita belajar sebab kuiz ke, sebab Allah?
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Just A Short Story
~Assalamualaikum warrahmatullah hiwabarokatuh~
Di pagi hari, di tepi sungai teh tarik depan Hisyam Complex di UIA Gombak.
Sarah : Aku nak cite something ni.
Hajar : Pe dia?
Sarah : Haritu aku terdengar bebudak ni kutuk aku.
Hajar : Kutuk ape lak?
Sarah : Dorang cakap aku annoying giler. Mulut becok cam mak nenek.
Hajar : Buat dunno je dorang tu.
Sarah : Tapi betul gak pe dorang cakap.. Wei..
Hajar : Hmm?
Sarah : Pesal kau kawan dengan aku? Kau tak annoying dengan aku ke?
Hajar : Annoyed.
Sarah : Habis tu?
Hajar : Kalau aku tak kawan dengan kau, sape nak stop kau dari bercakap?
P/s : Takde kaitan antara hidup dan mati. Gedik2 nak cite.
Monday, December 16, 2013
My First Semester In Gombak
~Assalamualaikum warrahmatullah hiwabarokatuh~
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Taken from Google |
~It has been awhile since I blogged. Yes, I entered UIA Gombak last September and alhamdulillah, I had a presentation on my final project this morning. It was NOT at all, easy. I could say that I've never felt so useless until this semester. It was a hectic one.
I shed tears during my second project. I guess because that night, I was thinking to change course (I thought maybe my place is in applied art design). And the next morning, which is the day for submission, I found out I made it all wrong. And after all the hard work I did for 3days, I get NOTHING! I was ok at first until I called my dad and finally cried.
Couldn't even score for the first presentation. I was condemned by lecturers but I'm still okay with it. I laughed about it to make myself okay. But I was quite frustrated because I know, I could do better. I guess I was too cling to what lecturers told me so, and I've no freedom to give out my ideas.
Even worse, I didn't study on anything. Even other students have the same problem. We were too focus on the design and that's just it. We forgot about history, building constructions, quran sunnah, land surveying, halaqah but not so much on graphics. I felt so stupid for sleeping in class especially for building constructions. Deng! Why?? Now I can't even explain well for materials.
I get so scared. I was too scared to consult. I was too scared to present. I've never been this way before. Before any presentation, I couldn't breathe well. And I got butterflies in my stomach. I know I have this kind of a stage fright problem but not this time. This is far worse! I lost my words. I couldn't think. WHY AM I FEELING THIS??
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Taken from google. Architectural parasite |
I was heartbroken during this semester until our group work on architectural parasite. Lecturers liked it and I was overall speechless because it felt good. I want it so much that I went on researching whatever things I could find about Alhambra (our site) and architectural parasite. However, it didn't go well for the first crit (a minor presentation) and even worse on the second crit! I couldn't even dare to look at my own carry mark and my mom understood that. I was avoiding from making myself feeling down.
So, to redempt all my mistakes, I focused on the boards (oh yeah, not for perspective drawings because it was too hard and I gotta say, I was not happy about it). And of course, to my final project, I tried to make it as attractive as possible because I know, my design is not at all strong.
Again, I couldn't breathe. I couldn't think. But I was glad. Very glad. One of the panels is my former lecturer during CFS (uia petaling jaya). Alhamdulillah. Not saying I've the opportunity to get better marks from him. No3.. At least I'm quite comfortable to present.
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Mine! |
It wasn't that good but at least it's better that the previous crit. I know I wouldn't score much on Design (sorry ayah). But one of my lecturers used to say, "Being a first year is the time for you to learn." And yes, I did learn a lot.
I was even called 'slow' but someone told me, "No matter how slow you are, if you're going to the right way, you'll be there." I even have a role model now!
My friends got bigger conjectures than me. And so, I stayed for them, hoping they wouldn't leave this course. Far worse, the only connection between me and Him is only by 5times prayer. Too busy catching the Dunya that you put Him aside eh, Tiqah? You're so stupid.
I received a question, what would she'll be studying if she enters this course? Before asking that question, ask yourself, are you mentally ready to face this life? Our lecturer once said, "this course will cause you a lot of frustration." Even if you have interest and talent to do this, it wasn't enough. You may good in fighting what people say about you but maybe you're not that good in fighting yourself.
This life has given me the opportunity to share my problems with my parents because usually I just kept them hidden. The ukhuwah between me and my friends are getting closer since we're the only one who understand each other. Sometimes I didn't eat and sleep, maybe I'll lose some weight (don't do this people. Appreciate your food and sleep). I don't really have time to text my friends anymore. Too busy.
Thanks to my parents who still believes in me and kept on reminding why I'm here. My dear friends that always scolded me when I started to give up. Lecturers who gave worst comments so that I could improve. Friends who shared ideas to me. A friend who heard my problem but didn't scold me. Friends who shared their problem that makes me want to stay here longer. Seniors that helped me a lot! And most of all, thank you, Allah for making me strong.
Thanks to my parents who still believes in me and kept on reminding why I'm here. My dear friends that always scolded me when I started to give up. Lecturers who gave worst comments so that I could improve. Friends who shared ideas to me. A friend who heard my problem but didn't scold me. Friends who shared their problem that makes me want to stay here longer. Seniors that helped me a lot! And most of all, thank you, Allah for making me strong.
And yeah. I'll be going through this thing again next semester, Insya-Allah.
"They maybe could fail you, but they can't stop you." -Mama-
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